NATS Logo by Example

Work-queue Stream in JetStream

A work-queue retention policy satisfies a very common use case of queuing up messages that are intended to be processed once and only once.

This retention policy supports queuing up messages from publishers independent of consummption. Since each message is intended to be processed only once, this retention type allows for a set of consumers that have non-overlapping interest on subjects. In other words, if multiple consumers are bound to a work-queue stream, they must have disjoint filter subjects. This is in constrast to a standard limits-based or interest-based stream which supports multiple consumers with overlapping interest.

Like the interest policy this retention policy is additive to any limits set on the stream. As a contrived example, if max-msgs is set to one with old messages being discarded, every new message that is received by the stream will result in the prior message being deleted regardless if any subscriptions were available to process the message.

In this example, we will walk through the work-queue retention setup and behavior. If you are new to streams, it is recommended to read the limits-based stream example prior to reading this one.

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$ nbe run jetstream/workqueue-stream/deno
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import the library - in node.js import {connect, etc} from "nats"; or if not doing a module, const {connect, etc} = require("nats");

import {
} from "";

Get the passed NATS_URL or fallback to the default. This can be a comma-separated string.

const servers = Deno.env.get("NATS_URL") || "nats://localhost:4222";

Create a client connection to an available NATS server.

const nc = await connect({
  servers: servers.split(","),

access JetStream

const js = nc.jetstream();

Creating the stream

Define the stream configuration, specifying WorkQueuePolicy for retention, and create the stream.

const jsm = await js.jetstreamManager();
await jsm.streams.add({
  name: "EVENTS",
  retention: RetentionPolicy.Workqueue,
  subjects: ["events.>"],
console.log("created the stream");

Queue messages

Publish a few messages.

await Promise.all([
console.log("published 3 messages");

Checking the stream info, we see three messages have been queued.

console.log("# Stream info without consumers");

Adding a consumer

Now let’s add a consumer and publish a few more messages. See /examples/jetstream/pull-consumer/deno

await jsm.consumers.add("EVENTS", {
  durable_name: "worker",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,

Get a pull consumer

const c = await js.consumers.get("EVENTS", "worker");

Fetch and ack the queued messages

const iter = await c.fetch({ max_messages: 3 });
for await (const m of iter) {

Checking the stream info again, we will notice no messages are available as we have ack’ed them.

console.log("# Stream info with one consumer");

Exclusive non-filtered consumer

As noted in the description above, work-queue streams can only have at most one consumer with interest on a subject at any given time. Since the pull consumer above is not filtered, if we try to create another one, it will fail.

console.log("# Create an overlapping consumer");
await jsm.consumers.add("EVENTS", {
  durable_name: "worker2",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
}).catch((err) => {

However if we delete the first consumer we can add a new one

await c.delete();
await jsm.consumers.add("EVENTS", {
  durable_name: "worker2",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
console.log("created the new consumer");
await jsm.consumers.delete("EVENTS", "worker2");

Multiple filtered consumers

To create multiple consumers, a subject filter needs to be applied. For this example, we could scope each consumer to the geo that the event was published from, in this case us or eu.

console.log("# Create non-overlapping consumers");

await jsm.consumers.add("EVENTS", {
  durable_name: "worker-us",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
  filter_subject: ">",

await jsm.consumers.add("EVENTS", {
  durable_name: "worker-eu",
  ack_policy: AckPolicy.Explicit,
  filter_subject: ">",

async function process(name, count) {
  const usc = await js.consumers.get("EVENTS", name);
  const iter = await usc.fetch({ max_messages: count });
  for await (const m of iter) {
    console.log(`${name} got: ${m.subject}`);

const a = process("worker-us");
const b = process("worker-eu");

await Promise.all([
console.log("published 4 messages");

await Promise.all([a, b]);
await nc.close();


[?25l[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                                                             
[?25h[?25l[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                                                                                                                             
[?25hcreated the stream
published 3 messages
# Stream info without consumers
  messages: 3,
  bytes: 157,
  first_seq: 1,
  first_ts: "2023-09-15T20:54:47.662872342Z",
  last_seq: 3,
  last_ts: "2023-09-15T20:54:47.662987212Z",
  num_subjects: 3,
  consumer_count: 0
# Stream info with one consumer
  messages: 1,
  bytes: 53,
  first_seq: 3,
  first_ts: "2023-09-15T20:54:47.662987212Z",
  last_seq: 3,
  last_ts: "2023-09-15T20:54:47.662987212Z",
  num_subjects: 1,
  consumer_count: 1
# Create an overlapping consumer
multiple non-filtered consumers not allowed on workqueue stream
created the new consumer
# Create non-overlapping consumers
published 4 messages
worker-eu got:
worker-us got:
worker-eu got:
worker-us got:


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.