NATS Logo by Example

Limits-based Stream in JetStream

To get started with JetStream, a stream must be created. The mental model for a stream is that it binds a set of subjects for which messages published to those subjects will be persisted.

A stream is implemented as an implicit server-side service that receives a request (the published message) and replies back once the message has been persisted.

There are handful of different kinds of streams and configuration options, but we will start with the most basic one having a limits-based retention policy. This policy is the default, however, limits still apply to streams with other retention policies.

The stream limit choices include:

  • the maximum number of messages
  • the maximum total size in bytes
  • the maximum age of a message

There is also a specialized maximum messages limit that can be applied at the subject level, but this will be demonstrated in a separate example.

By default, no limits are set which would require manually managing the ever-growing stream. However, if any of these limits satisfy how the stream should be truncated, simply turn these limits on and let the server manage everything.

In this example, we showcase the behavior or applying these limits and the flexibility of JetStream supporting dynamically changing the stream configuration on-demand.

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package main

import (


func main() {

Use the env variable if running in the container, otherwise use the default.

	url := os.Getenv("NATS_URL")
	if url == "" {
		url = nats.DefaultURL

Create an unauthenticated connection to NATS.

	nc, _ := nats.Connect(url)

Drain is a safe way to to ensure all buffered messages that were published are sent and all buffered messages received on a subscription are processed being closing the connection.

	defer nc.Drain()

Access JetStream which provides methods to create streams and consumers as well as convenience methods for publishing to streams and consuming messages from the streams.

	js, _ := jetstream.New(nc)

We will declare the initial stream configuration by specifying the name and subjects. Stream names are commonly uppercased to visually differentiate them from subjects, but this is not required. A stream can bind one or more subjects which almost always include wildcards. In addition, no two streams can have overlapping subjects otherwise the primary messages would be persisted twice. There are option to replicate messages in various ways, but that will be explained in later examples.

	cfg := jetstream.StreamConfig{
		Name:     "EVENTS",
		Subjects: []string{"events.>"},

JetStream provides both file and in-memory storage options. For durability of the stream data, file storage must be chosen to survive crashes and restarts. This is the default for the stream, but we can still set it explicitly.

	cfg.Storage = jetstream.FileStorage

JetStream API uses context for timeouts and cancellation.

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

Finally, let’s add/create the stream with the default (no) limits.

	stream, _ := js.CreateStream(ctx, cfg)
	fmt.Println("created the stream")

Let’s publish a few messages which are received by the stream since they match the subject bound to the stream. The js.Publish method is a convenience for sending a nc.Request and waiting for the acknowledgement.

	js.Publish(ctx, "events.page_loaded", nil)
	js.Publish(ctx, "events.mouse_clicked", nil)
	js.Publish(ctx, "events.mouse_clicked", nil)
	js.Publish(ctx, "events.page_loaded", nil)
	js.Publish(ctx, "events.mouse_clicked", nil)
	js.Publish(ctx, "events.input_focused", nil)
	fmt.Println(ctx, "published 6 messages")

There is also is an async form in which the client batches the messages to the server and then asynchronously receives the the acknowledgements.

	js.PublishAsync("events.input_changed", nil)
	js.PublishAsync("events.input_blurred", nil)
	js.PublishAsync("events.key_pressed", nil)
	js.PublishAsync("events.input_focused", nil)
	js.PublishAsync("events.input_changed", nil)
	js.PublishAsync("events.input_blurred", nil)

For a given batch, we select on a channel returned from js.PublishAsyncComplete.

	select {
	case <-js.PublishAsyncComplete():
		fmt.Println("published 6 messages")
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		log.Fatal("publish took too long")

Checking out the stream info, we can see how many messages we have.

	printStreamState(ctx, stream)

Stream configuration can be dynamically changed. For example, we can set the max messages limit to 10 and it will truncate the two initial events in the stream.

	cfg.MaxMsgs = 10
	js.UpdateStream(ctx, cfg)
	fmt.Println("set max messages to 10")

Checking out the info, we see there are now 10 messages and the first sequence and timestamp are based on the third message.

	printStreamState(ctx, stream)

Limits can be combined and whichever one is reached, it will be applied to truncate the stream. For example, let’s set a maximum number of bytes for the stream.

	cfg.MaxBytes = 300
	js.UpdateStream(ctx, cfg)
	fmt.Println("set max bytes to 300")

Inspecting the stream info we now see more messages have been truncated to ensure the size is not exceeded.

	printStreamState(ctx, stream)

Finally, for the last primary limit, we can set the max age.

	cfg.MaxAge = time.Second
	js.UpdateStream(ctx, cfg)
	fmt.Println("set max age to one second")

Looking at the stream info, we still see all the messages..

	printStreamState(ctx, stream)

until a second passes.

	fmt.Println("sleeping one second...")

	printStreamState(ctx, stream)

This is just a helper function to print the stream state info 😉

func printStreamState(ctx context.Context, stream jetstream.Stream) {
	info, _ := stream.Info(ctx)
	b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(info.State, "", " ")
	fmt.Println("inspecting stream info")


created the stream
context.Background.WithDeadline(2023-09-23 10:53:56.341777834 +0000 UTC m=+10.007327001 [9.997053125s]) published 6 messages
published 6 messages
inspecting stream info
 "messages": 12,
 "bytes": 594,
 "first_seq": 1,
 "first_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.343861293Z",
 "last_seq": 12,
 "last_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344850459Z",
 "consumer_count": 0,
 "deleted": null,
 "num_deleted": 0,
 "num_subjects": 6,
 "subjects": null
set max messages to 10
inspecting stream info
 "messages": 10,
 "bytes": 496,
 "first_seq": 3,
 "first_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344090626Z",
 "last_seq": 12,
 "last_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344850459Z",
 "consumer_count": 0,
 "deleted": null,
 "num_deleted": 0,
 "num_subjects": 6,
 "subjects": null
set max bytes to 300
inspecting stream info
 "messages": 6,
 "bytes": 298,
 "first_seq": 7,
 "first_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344793751Z",
 "last_seq": 12,
 "last_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344850459Z",
 "consumer_count": 0,
 "deleted": null,
 "num_deleted": 0,
 "num_subjects": 4,
 "subjects": null
set max age to one second
inspecting stream info
 "messages": 6,
 "bytes": 298,
 "first_seq": 7,
 "first_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344793751Z",
 "last_seq": 12,
 "last_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344850459Z",
 "consumer_count": 0,
 "deleted": null,
 "num_deleted": 0,
 "num_subjects": 4,
 "subjects": null
sleeping one second...
inspecting stream info
 "messages": 0,
 "bytes": 0,
 "first_seq": 13,
 "first_ts": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
 "last_seq": 12,
 "last_ts": "2023-09-23T10:53:46.344850459Z",
 "consumer_count": 0,
 "deleted": null,
 "num_deleted": 0,
 "num_subjects": 0,
 "subjects": null


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.