NATS Logo by Example

Intro in Services Framework

NATS services have always been straightforward to write. However, with the services framework, the NATS client library further simplifies the building, discovery and monitoring of services. The framework automatically places all subscriptions in a queue group and provides functionality for building subject hierarchies and their handlers.

Without any additional effort, the library enables automatic service discovery and status reporting. The NATS CLI nats micro command provides a simple way to query and report all the services using this framework.

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import the library - in node.js import {connect, etc} from "nats"; or if not doing a module, const {connect, etc} = require("nats");

import { connect } from "";
import { ServiceError } from "";

const servers = Deno.env.get("NATS_URL") || "nats://localhost:4222";

const nc = await connect({
  servers: servers.split(","),

Defining a service

Define the service. Note that at this point no service endpoints have been added, but the service is already discoverable!

const srv = await{
  name: `minmax`,
  version: `0.0.1`,
  description: `returns the max/min number in a request`,

The service can do something special when it stops. The error argument will be set if the stop was due to an error

srv.stopped.then((err) => {
  console.log(`service stopped ${err ? err.message : ""}`);

Adding endpoints

For the minmax service we are going to reserve a root subject of minmax and group services in it. This will prevent polluting the subject space. You can add nested groups and mix with endpoints as your API requires.

const root = srv.addGroup("minmax");

Now add an endpoint - the endpoint is a subscription. The endpoint will put together the name of the endpoint and any previous subjects together. In this case max is the endpoint, and it will be reachable via minmax.max

root.addEndpoint("max", {
  handler: (err, msg) => {
    if (err) {
      srv.stop(err).finally(() => {});

The payload is an encoded JSON array, the decode function simply performs some small checks and validations and returns an array that is sorted or null. If null, the payload was invalid, and we respond with an error to the requester.

    const values = decode(msg);
    if (values) {
      msg?.respond(JSON.stringify({ max: values[values.length - 1] }));
  metadata: {
    schema: "input a JSON serialized JSON array, output the largest value",

Alternately, the JavaScript client can use iterators to handle requests instead of the handler callback.

const min = root.addEndpoint("min", {
  metadata: {
    schema: "input a JSON serialized JSON array, output the smallest value",

(async () => {
  for await (const msg of min) {
    const values = decode(msg);
    if (values) {
      msg?.respond(JSON.stringify({ max: values[0] }));
})().catch((err) => {
  srv.stop(err).finally(() => {});

Sending requests

Now let’s make a couple requests into the service which uses the standard nc.request API. Note the subject hiearchy is composed of the group and the endpoint.

let r = await nc.request("minmax.max", JSON.stringify([-1, 2, 100, -2000]));
if (!ServiceError.isServiceError(r)) {
  console.log("max value", r.json());
} else {

r = await nc.request("minmax.min", JSON.stringify([-1, 2, 100, -2000]));
if (!ServiceError.isServiceError(r)) {
  console.log("min value", r.json());
} else {

Service APIs

Services defined by the micro framework expose a set of APIs that can be used to query various aspects of the service. This includes the ping, info, and stats APIs. The top-level subjects of these APIs are $SRV.PING, $SRV.INFO, and $SRV.STATS, respectively. The service name and id can be appended to the subject to narrow the scope of the query. For example, $SRV.PING.minmax will ping the minmax service. The id can be used to query a specific instance of a service, identified by the unique ID. For example $SRV.PING.minmax.1 will ping the service instance with ID 1.

const sc =;

The ping API will ping each service that is online and will return basic information about the service(s) that respond.

let iter = await;
console.log("results from PING");
for await (const si of iter) {

The info API is a superset of the ping API and will return more information, such as the endpoints per service.

iter = await;
console.log("results from INFO");
for await (const i of iter) {

Finally, the stats API returns a statistics report for each service broken down by endpoint.

iter = await sc.stats();
console.log("results from STATS");
for await (const si of iter) {

function decode(m) {
  try {
    const a = m?.json();
    if (!Array.isArray(a)) {
      m?.respondError(400, "invalid payload");
      return null;
    if (a?.length === 0) {
      m?.respondError(400, "no values provided");
      return null;
    return a;
  } catch (err) {
    m?.respondError(400, `unable to decode: ${err.message}`);
    return null;

await srv.stop();
await nc.close();


max value { max: 2 }
min value { max: -1 }
results from PING
  type: "io.nats.micro.v1.ping_response",
  name: "minmax",
  version: "0.0.1"
results from INFO
  type: "io.nats.micro.v1.info_response",
  name: "minmax",
  version: "0.0.1",
  description: "returns the max/min number in a request",
  endpoints: [
      subject: "minmax.max",
      metadata: { schema: "input a JSON serialized JSON array, output the largest value" },
      name: "max",
      queue_group: "q"
      subject: "minmax.min",
      metadata: { schema: "input a JSON serialized JSON array, output the smallest value" },
      name: "min",
      queue_group: "q"
results from STATS
  type: "io.nats.micro.v1.stats_response",
  name: "minmax",
  version: "0.0.1",
  started: "2023-10-03T18:38:23.422Z",
  endpoints: [
      name: "max",
      subject: "minmax.max",
      average_processing_time: 1000000,
      num_errors: 0,
      num_requests: 1,
      processing_time: 1000000,
      queue_group: "q"
      name: "min",
      subject: "minmax.min",
      average_processing_time: 0,
      num_errors: 0,
      num_requests: 1,
      processing_time: 0,
      queue_group: "q"
service stopped 


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.